I read tarot as a tool for self-reflection. I believe that we are in control of our destiny, and tarot can shine a light on things we may not have thought about or felt ready to take action on before. For this reason, I will focus the reading on you. What opportunities are being presented to you? How can you consider the situation from a different perspective? How are your thoughts and beliefs being challenged? How can you honor your true self?
If you're looking for someone to predict the future, I'm not the right tarot reader for you.
I do my best to be thoughtful of my language when reading for others, especially regarding race and gender identity. If you have experiences or triggers that I should know about, please tell me before we begin. All details are kept confidential.
Remember, I am not a licensed therapist. I don't suggest that my readings are a long-term replacement for therapy or medication. They are simply another tool to provide you with clarity and help you grow as a human being.
Readings can be done in-person or via Zoom. I will follow up with a photo of your finished spread. You are welcome to take notes.
Check In - $30. // This 20-30 minute reading focuses on a specific situation you are experiencing and suggests a potential way to move through the situation.
Year Ahead Spread (Wheel of the Year) - $55. // This 13-card spread identifies a focus for each of the next twelve months as well as an overarching 'theme' card. Great for any time of year. You will receive a blank Wheel of the Year chart for note-taking for this reading.
Extended Reading - $65. // This 40-60 minute reading explores what's on your mind. I pull several cards and identify connections between them, with the goal of helping you move forward.
**Payment accepted via cash, Venmo, Paypal, or Cash app. Discounted rates are available upon request for Black folx, Indigenous folx, and people of color.
**Refunds are not available, but I am willing to work with you to reschedule your appointment if needed.